There is So Much Beauty to Step Into

From writing to artwork to interviews to music to anything more on the path of creative expression. This is a space of liberated expression. We discover the expression as we go along the interactive space of our own consciousness. There are no bounds to these insights and spiritual integrations when we allow the gate to flood open. Here I am and here you are.

It’s time to take the next steps embodied in our Aliveness.

Know the potency of your life force, call it back to you, own it, and channel it in accordance with what your soul yearns to express. I believe this is the medicine: the immensely transformative power of embodying life’s creative force.

The Podcast

Sharing insights on the mechanics of consciousness, transformation, altered states, plant medicine, and creative expression.

~The mechanics of our spiritual awakening~

I hope we may find this space of connection and share our lessons, findings, and inner navigations on the path of consciousness; the path home to ourselves.

New Episode


New Episode 〰️

Shop Portal Art

Prints and originals suitable for framing and hanging are available. Please contact for questions and custom inquiries.